Accelerating Personal Independence & Success
APIS is one of our upcoming programs we have in the works!
Contact us to be notified when we open enrollment!

APIS is the HIVE's new program for people excited about learning independent living and employment skills, served up HIVE style with a side of fun!

Are you prepared with the skills you need for success? Could you benefit from:
Setting goals through self-determination?
Learning career & workplace readiness skills?
Exploring your strengths, skills & interests?
Increasing communication for the workplace?
Improving self-esteem through team building?
Experiencing real-life career opportunities?
Becoming a better self-advocate?
Our APIS program will use a combination of teaching methods to accelerate your personal independence and success, APIS students will build on skills learned in Phase I to progress to Phase II and onward.
What is next for you when you have completed the program...? Employment? College? Let's find out as you launch from the HIVE into your future!
Our teaching methods are designed to help students map out their vocational journey by identifying their dream destinations, learning how to master the skills they will need, recognizing who is on their supporting team, and securing the resources they will need to get there. We have designed this program in phased modules so that students or young adults can build on their successes from where they are, whether they are at the beginning of their journey or they are ready to conquer the world!