Our Services
In the Works
Our work to find solutions for people with IDD and their families never sleeps. You can help us bring the following services to life with your gift to our organization.

Parachute Project
Close to our founder's heart, The Parachute Project will give families of people with disabilities guidance, education, and support in planning for adulthood and long-term care for their loved one. The HIVE will provide a series of workshops and ongoing mentorship in the varied topics that families of people with disabilities face as they age and their grown child continues to require a variety of long-term supports.Families of grown children with disabilities are faced with planning not only for their retirement, but for coordinating the complex supports needed for their son or daughter to continue to live in comfort and safety after they are gone. The stress this creates is indescribable, and the tasks overwhelming to navigate alone. We hear the desperate pleas from parents looking for options for their children as well as from brand new guardians who don’t know anything about support services or how to care for their ward. At least 2/3 of parents do not have a plan for their child's long-term future and don’t know where to start to do so. The Parachute Project will walk these families through the steps of creating a plan and being prepared for the road ahead. We anticipate serving 15-20 families in our first year from Warren and the surrounding counties. Families who participate in this project will have a plan, the support services they need, our guidance and support to count on, and peace of mind. This will have a ripple effect on the adult children who will have the security of a plan in place with smooth transitions through their life phases.